The Power of the Journey

Lasting behavior change comes from the inside out. Who people are, and how they view the world, impacts how they engage and lead others. Our Impact Journeys combine our exclusive content, expert consultants, and powerful technology to help people change both their mindset and their behavior.

Explore a sample Impact Journey excerpt below.

Increase Your Multiplier Moments

  • 01 Excelerators

    The Multiplier Effect

    The best leaders ignite the brilliance of everyone. You can learn how to change your behavior and create a Multiplier Effect that will amplify the intelligence and capabilities of your team members.

    Timing: 30-60 min

  • 02 Jhana

    What are your Accidental Diminisher warning signs?

    Some of your strengths as an individual contributor may diminish the intelligence of others. Use this assessment to recognize the behaviors that may stifle their growth.

    Timing: 5 min

  • 03 Live-Online

    Multipliers®: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone’s Intelligence

    The best leaders are Multipliers who bring out the intelligence in others. Discover how to become a Multiplier and deliver higher performance by accessing and growing the capabilities of the people around you.

    Timing: 1 day

  • 04 InSights

    Get Better: Talk Less, Listen More

    Actually listening to someone shows you care. Do you listen to others only with the intent to reply?

    Timing: 5 min

  • 05 Exclerators

    Create a Shared Vision and Strategy®

    Every great leader needs to communicate their vision in such a way to encourage others to help them achieve their vision.

    Timing: 30-60 min

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